Saturday, February 18, 2023

Step by step family visit visa process in Saudi Arabia

 If you have family members who want to visit you in Saudi Arabia, you can sponsor their visit by obtaining a family visit visa. The process for obtaining a family visit visa in Saudi Arabia involves a number of steps and requirements. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to obtaining a family visit visa in Saudi Arabia.

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Before you can apply for a family visit visa, you must be eligible to sponsor the visa. To be eligible, you must be a resident of Saudi Arabia with a valid iqama (residency permit) and a profession that allows you to sponsor family members.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

To apply for a family visit visa, you will need to gather the following required documents:

  • A completed visa application form
  • A copy of your iqama (residency permit)
  • A copy of your family member's passport
  • A letter of invitation from you (the sponsor) stating your relationship with your family member, the purpose and duration of the visit, and the details of their stay in Saudi Arabia
  • A copy of your family member's return ticket
  • A copy of your family member's medical insurance
  • A copy of your family member's hotel reservation or accommodation details

Step 3: Submit Application

Once you have gathered all the required documents, you can submit your family visit visa application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) or through an authorized visa agent. You will need to pay a fee for the visa application.

Step 4: Wait for Approval

After submitting your application, you will need to wait for approval from the Saudi authorities. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Step 5: Receive Visa

If your application is approved, you will receive the family visit visa through email or from the authorized visa agent. Your family member can then use the visa to travel to Saudi Arabia.

Step 6: Register Your Family Member's Arrival

Once your family member arrives in Saudi Arabia, you must register their arrival at the passport office within 30 days. Failure to register their arrival may result in fines or other penalties.

In conclusion, obtaining a family visit visa in Saudi Arabia requires gathering the required documents, submitting the application, waiting for approval, and registering the family member's arrival. With proper documentation and careful attention to the application process, you can successfully sponsor a family member's visit to Saudi Arabia

Step by step process to get driving license in Saudi

 If you're planning to live and drive in Saudi Arabia, it's important to get a Saudi Arabian driver's license. Obtaining a Saudi driver's license is a straightforward process, but it requires some documentation and a few steps. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to obtaining a Saudi driver's license.

Step 1: Get an Eligibility Certificate

Before you can start the process of obtaining a Saudi driver's license, you need to obtain an eligibility certificate. You can get this certificate by visiting any Saudi embassy or consulate in your home country. You will need to provide your passport, your residency permit, and a medical certificate that proves you are in good health.

Step 2: Attend Driving School

After you have obtained your eligibility certificate, you will need to attend a driving school in Saudi Arabia. There are many driving schools throughout the country that offer courses in English and Arabic. You will need to complete a certain number of hours of driving instruction, and you will also need to pass a written exam before you can take the practical driving test.

Step 3: Take the Theory Test

The theory test is the written exam that you will need to pass before you can take the practical driving test. The test covers Saudi Arabian traffic rules and regulations, road signs, and other important information about driving in Saudi Arabia. The test is available in English and Arabic.

Step 4: Take the Practical Driving Test

Once you have passed the theory test, you can take the practical driving test. This test consists of a driving exam on the road, and it is designed to test your driving skills and your knowledge of traffic rules and regulations. You will need to provide your own vehicle for the test, and you will be required to perform a number of driving maneuvers.

Step 5: Get Your Saudi Driver's License

If you pass the practical driving test, you will be issued a Saudi Arabian driver's license. The license is valid for 10 years and can be renewed as long as you meet the renewal requirements. You will need to provide your passport, your residency permit, and your eligibility certificate to obtain your license.

In conclusion, obtaining a Saudi driver's license requires some documentation and a few steps. You will need to obtain an eligibility certificate, attend driving school, pass the theory test, take the practical driving test, and provide the necessary documentation to obtain your license. With a little bit of effort and patience, you can become a licensed driver in Saudi Arabia and enjoy the freedom of the open road.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Living in Saudi Arabia

 Saudi Arabia is a unique and fascinating country that has a rich cultural heritage and a strong Islamic identity. This oil-rich nation has long been a destination for expats from around the world who come to work and live in this dynamic and exciting part of the world.

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has undergone a significant transformation. The government has initiated a number of ambitious reforms aimed at modernizing the country and attracting more foreign investment. This has had a profound impact on expats living in the country, as it has created more opportunities for employment, education, and business.

Despite the challenges, living as an expat in Saudi Arabia can be an incredibly rewarding experience. In this article, we'll explore what it's like to live and work in Saudi Arabia, including the benefits and challenges of expat life in this fascinating country.

Benefits of Living in Saudi Arabia

There are many benefits to living in Saudi Arabia as an expat. One of the most obvious advantages is the high salaries that are offered to foreign workers. Many companies in Saudi Arabia offer highly competitive compensation packages, which can make it an attractive destination for expats who are looking to boost their earnings.

Another benefit of living in Saudi Arabia is the opportunity to experience a different culture and way of life. This can be an incredibly enriching and eye-opening experience for those who are open to new experiences. Saudi Arabia is a country with a rich and fascinating history, and expats who take the time to learn about the culture and traditions of the country are often rewarded with a deep appreciation for this unique part of the world.

In addition, Saudi Arabia is a country that offers a high standard of living. The government has invested heavily in infrastructure, healthcare, and education, which means that expats can enjoy a comfortable and convenient lifestyle. The country has modern amenities and services that cater to the needs of expats, including international schools, shopping malls, and world-class hospitals.

Challenges of Living in Saudi Arabia

While there are many benefits to living in Saudi Arabia, there are also some challenges that expats may face. One of the biggest challenges is the strict laws and customs that are enforced in the country. Saudi Arabia is a conservative Islamic country, and expats are expected to respect the cultural norms and traditions of the country.

This can be difficult for expats who are used to more liberal lifestyles, as there are strict rules around things like dress, alcohol, and public displays of affection. Women, in particular, may find it challenging to adapt to the strict gender segregation laws that are enforced in the country.

Another challenge of living in Saudi Arabia is the hot and arid climate. Temperatures can soar to over 40 degrees Celsius during the summer months, which can make it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities. In addition, the lack of green spaces and parks in many parts of the country can be a challenge for expats who enjoy spending time in nature.

Finally, the language barrier can be a challenge for expats who do not speak Arabic. While English is widely spoken in many parts of the country, there are still many situations where Arabic is the only language spoken. Expats who are not fluent in Arabic may struggle to communicate effectively with locals and may find it difficult to navigate daily life in the country.

Tips for Living in Saudi Arabia

If you are planning to live and work in Saudi Arabia as an expat, there are several things you can do to make the transition easier. Here are some tips to help you adjust to life in this fascinating country:

  1. Learn about the culture and traditions of Saudi Arabia before you arrive. This will help you to understand the expectations and customs of the country and will make it easier to adapt to the local way of life.

  2. Respect the laws and customs of the country. Saudi Arabia has strict laws around dress

Friday, May 8, 2020

Bitcoin shoots past $10,000 again, but could slow down soon

It's touched $10,000 again, but could soon see course correction
Hong Kong: The world's biggest cryptocurrency rallied back above $10,000 ahead of a technical event seen by some as having driven the price higher recently.
Bitcoin rose as much as 2.7 per cent to a high of $10,070 on Friday in Asia trading, briefly taking it into five figures for the first time since February 24, and was holding just below that level at $9,974 at 10:25am in Hong Kong. That's before the cryptocurrency's upcoming halving, when the rewards miners receive for processing transactions will be cut in half as soon as May 12, an intentional feature of Bitcoin designed to control inflation.
"Bitcoin trades sentiment-driven at its peaks and valleys, and the post-halving hangover is part of the normal price ebbs and flows on top of Bitcoin's fundamental value," said Jehan Chu, managing partner with blockchain investment and advisory firm Kenetic Capital.

Doubling up

The cryptocurrency has more than doubled in price since mid-March, joining a wider rally in global equities since getting rocked by coronavirus-related volatility that's depressed economic growth, consumption activity and corporate earnings.
"Markets have been bullish since the March lows and this is across asset classes, including crypto," said Vijay Ayyar, head of business development at crypto exchange Luno. "Money-printing by the Fed and other central banks globally have given a lot of confidence to investors that the economy will be supported no matter what."
Paul Tudor Jones, chief executive of Tudor Investment Corp., said he bought Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation he sees being stoked by massive fiscal spending and bond-buying by central banks to combat the pandemic. Jones previously dabbled in Bitcoin in 2017, doubling his money before exiting the trade near its peak at almost $20,000.
"Bitcoin will likely see sub-$10,000 levels post-halving, but the surge in institutional interest from investors like Paul Tudor Jones is undeniable validation for Bitcoin," Chu said.

Never one for subdued trading

While Bitcoin has been notoriously volatile over the years and crashed spectacularly after a peak near $20,000 in December 2017, it has also slowly been making inroads. Regulated exchanges have gradually been offering more in the way of products like futures and options around the asset and institutional interest has been building.
Cryptocurrencies still have their fair share of skeptics, from Warren Buffett to Nouriel Roubini. And data last month from PricewaterhouseCoopers showed the industry struggled to attract mainstream investment last year as global fund raising and deals both dried up, including a 76 per cent collapse in M&A value to $451 million from almost $1.9 billion the year before.
"With the Bitcoin halving fast approaching, we believe a short-term pullback is highly likely immediately post-halving, as traders begin taking profits," said Lennard Neo, head of research at Stack AM Pte.. "In the longer-term, we can expect Bitcoin to register significant price appreciation toward the end of 2020 and early 2021."

Thursday, April 23, 2020

کیا کورونا وائرس نوٹوں سے بھی لگ سکتا ہے؟

مہلک کورونا وائرس کی وجہ سے دنیا بھر میں ایسا خوف پھیلایا ہوا ہے کہ لوگوں میں کوئی بھی چیز چھونے سے قبل یہ ڈر ہوتا ہے کہ کہیں اس پر وائرس موجود نہ ہو جو انسانی جسم میں منتقلی کا سبب بنے۔
اس صورتحال میں لوگ اب  تذبذب کا شکار نظر آرہے ہیں کہ کیا کورونا وائرس کے جراثیم پیسوں سے بھی پھیل سکتے ہیں؟ کیونکہ اشیائے ضروریہ کی خریداری کے لیے رقوم کی منتقلی کا سلسلہ جاری رہتا ہے جس سے نوٹوں کے ذریعے وائرس پھیلنے سے متعلق بھی قیاس آرائیاں ہیں۔
اس ضمن میں عالمی ادارہ صحت نے وضاحت دیتے ہوئے کہا ہےکہ  فی الحال ایسے کوئی شواہد موصول نہیں ہوئے ہیں جس سے معلوم ہوا ہو کہ کورونا وائرس کے جراثیم نوٹوں اور سکوں کو چھونے سے بھی پھیل سکتے ہیں تاہم اب تک صرف یہی بات واضح ہے کہ متاثرہ شخص کے سانس لینے سے ہوا میں معلق ذرات سے دوسرا انسان وائرس سے متاثر ہوسکتا ہے۔

عالمی ادارہ صحت کا کہنا تھا کہ کورونا سے بچاؤ کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ سماجی فاصلہ اختیار کرنے کے ساتھ بار بار صابن سے 20 سیکنڈز تک ہاتھ دھوتے رہیں اور گھروں کی صفائی کا خاص خیال رکھیں۔

ڈبلو ایچ او نے کہا کہ گھر سے باہر نکلتے وقت ماسک کا استعمال کرلیں لیکن ہاتھوں سے انجام دینے والے کاموں کے لیے گلوز ضرور استعمال کریں۔

اس سے قبل بھی امریکی اخبار نیویارک ٹائمز نے کورونا وائرس سے متعلق طبی ماہرین کے سامنے عوام کے خدشات سے بھرپور سوالات رکھے جن کے ماہرین نے مفصل جواب دیے تھے۔

Monday, April 20, 2020

کورونا وائرس کی ایک اور علامت سامنے آگئی

چین سے دنیا بھر کے تقریباً تمام ممالک کو اپنی لپیٹ میں لینے والے خطرناک کورونا وائرس سے متعلق سائنسدان دن رات تحقیقات کر رہے ہیں۔
ماہرین کی جانب سے کورونا وائرس سے بچاؤ کے لیے سماجی دوری اختیار کرنے اور لوگوں کو آپس میں مصافحہ اور گلے ملنے سے منع کیا گیا ہے۔
ماہرین نے سب سے پہلے کورونا وائرس کی علامات میں تیز بخار، خشک کھانسی اور سانس لینے میں دشواری پیش آنے کے حوالے سے بتایا تھا۔
بعد ازاں سائنسدانوں کی جانب سے کورونا وائرس کی علامات پر مزید تحقیق کی گئی تو یہ بات سامنے آئی کہ کورونا وائرس سے متاثرہ شخص کی سونگھنے اور چکھنے کی صلاحیت متاثر ہونے کے ساتھ پٹھوں میں تکلیف بھی ہوتی ہے۔
لیکن اب کورونا وائرس کی ایک اور نئی علامت سامنے آئی ہے جس کا تعلق جِلد سے ہے۔
غیر ملکی خبر رساں ادارے کے مطابق کورونا وائرس سے متاثرہ شخص میں پاؤں کی انگلیوں میں انفیکشن یا پاؤں کی انگلیاں نیلی ہونے کی علامت بھی ظاہر ہوئی ہے۔
حال ہی میں امریکی ریاست لاس اینجلس میں ایک خاتوں پاؤں کی انگلیاں نیلی ہونے کے بعد اسپتال پہنچی جہاں ان میں کورونا وائرس کی تصدیق ہوئی۔
اب امریکن اکیڈمی آف ڈرماٹولوجی کی جانب سے ایک گائیڈ لائن جاری کی گئی ہے جس کے مطابق انسان کی جِلد پر مختلف نشانات (جیسے مکڑی یا کسی کیڑے کے کاٹنے سے ہونے والے زخم کی طرح) ہونے کا تعلق بھی کووڈ-19 سے ہے۔
جرنل آف امریکن اکیڈمی آف ڈرماٹولوجی میں شائع ہونے والے مطالعے کے مطابق ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ کووڈ-19 کے مریضوں میں جِلد کے عام انفیکشن کی طرح دکھنے والے ریشز ہونے کے بھی امکانات ہو سکتے ہیں۔
ماہرین نے لوگوں کو ہدایت جاری کی ہے کہ وائرس کے پھیلاؤ کو روکنے کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ اگر کسی بھی شخص کو اس طرح کے جِلد کے انفیکشن کا سامنا ہو تو فوری تشخیص کرائے۔

Thursday, April 16, 2020

کورونا وائرس کتنے ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ پر بالکل غیر فعال ہوتا ہے؟

فرانسیسی سائنسدانوں نے دعویٰ کیا ہے کہ کورونا وائرس کو مکمل طورپر ختم کرنے کے لیے پانی کے تقریباً نقطہ ابال جتنا درجہ حرارت درکار ہوتا ہے۔ 

 فرانسیسی ماہرین کے مطابق کورونا وائرس کو اگر 60 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ پر ایک گھنٹے تک تپش دیں تو وائرس میں پھر بھی ایک سے دو اور دو سے چار میں تقسیم ہوکر بڑھنے کی صلاحیت برقرار رہتی ہے۔ 

سائنسدانوں نے بتایا کہ جب وائرس کو 92 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ پر 15 منٹ تک تپش دی گئی تو وہ بالکل غیرفعال ہوگیا۔
امریکا کی نیشنل اکیڈمی آف سائنسز نے وائٹ ہاؤس کو پچھلے ہفتے آگاہ کیا تھا کہ موسم گرما کے درجہ حرارت سے کورونا وائرس کے پھیلاؤ پر اثرنہیں پڑے گا۔
خیال رہے کہ کورونا وائرس کے حوالے سے قیاس آرائی کی جاتی رہی تھی کہ گرمی کی شدت بڑھنے سے کورونا وائرس خود بخود ختم ہوجائے گا بعد ازاں سائنسدانوں نے تحقیق کے بعد اسے افواہ قرار دیا تھا۔